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Datavolo community broadcasts

The Datavolo Community Broadcast (DCB) is a show about AI technologies & concepts, Datavolo products & processes, and all-things Apache NiFi. DCB YouTube Playlist


Datavolo Community Broadcast #6

OpenTelemetry Collection in Apache NiFi
Sep 13, 2024
Guest: David Handermann, Software Engineer @ Datavolo
Host: Lester Martin, Developer Advocate @ Datavolo

Blog: Collecting Logs with Apache NiFi and OpenTelemetry
Blog: Building OpenTelemetry Collection in Apache NiFi with Netty


Datavolo Community Broadcast #5

CDC unstructured doc ingest from Google Drive
Sep 3, 2024
Guest: Sean Petrie, Customer Success Manager @ Datavolo
Host: Lester Martin, Developer Advocate @ Datavolo

Docs: CaptureGoogleDriveChanges processor
Docs: FetchGoogleDrive processor


Datavolo Community Broadcast #4

Building an AI data pipeline & chatbot for TTRPGs
Aug 27, 2024
Guest: Robert Kurc, Intern @ Datavolo
FOS: Jay Carlson, Product Manager @ Datavolo
Host: Lester Martin, Developer Advocate @ Datavolo

Web: Understanding RAG
Web: Advanced Document Processing


Datavolo Community Broadcast #3

Apache NiFi 2 with native k8s clustering
Aug 20, 2024
Guest: David Handermann, Software Engineer @ Datavolo
Host: Lester Martin, Developer Advocate @ Datavolo

Blog: Constructing Apache NiFi Clusters on Kubernetes
Blog: Bringing Kubernetes Clustering to Apache NiFi


Datavolo Community Broadcast #2

Training open source vision models
Aug 13, 2024
Guest: Bob Paulin, Software Engineer @ Datavolo
Host: Lester Martin, Developer Advocate @ Datavolo

Docs: ParsePdfDocument processor


Datavolo Community Broadcast #1

Using OSS Prompt Fuzzer to harden GenAI applications
Aug 6, 2024
Guest: Peter Holcomb, Head of Security @ Datavolo
Host: Lester Martin, Developer Advocate @ Datavolo

Blog: Prompt Injection Attack Explained